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               Joining CAMHPRA
Eligible for membership:
- Primary General Members are Title 9 County 
  Patients' Rights Advocates
- Individuals associated with independent
  advocacy organizations may be eligible for
  general membership by approval of the Board
- Individual consumers, consumer advocates,
  and attorneys may be eligible for associate
  membership by vote of the Board


To apply for membership in CAMHPRA, please complete the Membership Form (click above button for link) and mail it, with a check for your annual dues, to the address below.

Membership Fee:  $35 per year

Make Check Payable to:  CAMHPRA

Mailing Address: 


Lisa Long, CAMHPRA Treasurer

c/o ASOC

101 Cirby Hills Drive

Roseville, CA 95678

Contact Lisa, Treasurer at (916)787-8979 for more information.

The Value of CAMHPRA Membership

Samuel Jain

Former CAMHPRA President
March 2016 - April 2018
"Being a patients’ rights advocate is a difficult and complex job. The work is both adversarial and collaborative, requiring expertise in direct services and systems advocacy. CAMHPRA is a community of advocates who support each other in our unique and challenging work. We discuss regional and statewide issues impacting advocates, troubleshoot difficult patients’ rights cases, and conduct legislative advocacy based on our shared goals and interests. There is a significant value for county patients’ rights advocates to join CAMHPRA and participate in our quarterly statewide and regional meetings.”

Jim Marquez

Former CAMHPRA President
February 2012 - March 2016
"When I first heard about CAMHPRA, I wasn’t sure exactly what the organization did or how it would help me as a new advocate. I attended a coalition meeting and later became the Southern California CAMHPRA Coalition representative. By joining, I was able to develop strong working relationships with other advocates in my local Southern California area. Each county has its own unique advocacy challenges and many times requires multi-county involvement or expertise. CAMHPRA provides a way for multiple counties to collaborate on serious patients' rights issues. I still remember a situation in San Diego County where patients were being denied their Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) rights on account of their residency status. Soon other neighboring counties had clients in similar situations and were faced with the same advocacy challenges. Joining CAMHPRA gives members a safe place to voice their concerns and troubleshoot important issues. Your membership dues allow us to maintain our infrastructure and the ability for CAMHPRA to have membership in other professional statewide advocacy organizations. Join CAMHPRA as a regular member and then we encourage you to eventually pursue a CAMHPRA board position. Participation on the board is the best way to gain an intimate knowledge about the professional world of Mental Health Advocacy."      
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